What’s On / Beth Sydd Ymlaen

Gwyl Arall yn cyflwyno: Cylch y Cyfansoddwyr
Nos Sadwrn 6 Gorffennaf, 7:30pm

Bydd Dafydd Owain a Gethin Griffiths yn holi tri o gyfansoddwyr cyfoes amlycaf Cymru, Georgia Ruth, Iwan Huws a Rhys Gwynfor, am eu crefft, eu hysbrydoliaeth a’u myfyrdodau cerddorol mewn noson anffurfiol ac unigryw o sgwrsio a pherfformio. Bydd y noson yn gorffen gyda pherfformiad gan Rhys Gwynfor.

Gwyl Arall Presents: Cylch y Cyfansoddwyr (The Composers’ Circle)
Saturday 6th July, 7:30pm

Dafydd Owain and Gethin Griffiths will be questioning three of Wales’ most prominent composers, Georgia Ruth, Iwan Huws and Rhys Gwynfor, about their craft, inspiration and musical reflections in an informal and unique evening of conversation and performance. The night will conclude with a performance by Rhys Gwynfor. The discussion will be conducted in the Welsh language.

Gwyl Arall yn cyflwyno: Wales – 100 Records: Huw Stephens a Dyl Mei
Dydd Sul 7 Gorffennaf, 1pm

Yn Wales – 100 Records, mae’r DJ Huw Stephens yn dadansoddi uchafbwyntiau gyrfaoedd artistiaid recordio pennaf Cymru, sy’n canu yn Saesneg ac yn Gymraeg, gan gynnwys Tom Jones, Shirley Bassey, Dafydd Iwan, Max Boyce, Manic Street Preachers, Super Furry Animals, Adwaith a Mace the Great. Bydd Dyl Mei yn sgwrsio â Huw am y llyfr a’r recordiau.

Gwyl Arall Presents: Wales – 100 Records: Huw Stephens and Dyl Mei
Sunday 7th July, 1pm

In Wales – 100 Records, DJ Huw Stephens delves into the career highlights of the most important recording artists that Wales has ever produced, singing in English or Welsh, including Tom Jones, Shirley Bassey, Dafydd Iwan, Max Boyce, Manic Street Preachers, Super Furry Animals, Adwaith and Kelly Lee Owens. Dyl Mei will be speaking to Huw about the book and the records.

Gwyl Arall yn cyflwyno: Bob Delyn bach a Buddug
Nos Sul 7 Gorffennaf, 7:30pm

Gig acwstig gyda Bob Delyn Bach; gwelwch un o fandiau amlycaf Cymru yn mynd drwy eu catalog anhygoel. Bydd Buddug, un o artistiaid newydd mwyaf cyffrous Cymru, yn agor y noson.

Gwyl Arall Presents: Bob Delyn Bach and Buddug
Sunday 7th July, 7:30pm

An acoustic gig with Bob Delyn Bach; see one of Wales’ most prominent bands showcasing their incredible catalogue. Buddug, one of Wales’ most exciting new artists, will open the evening.

Kana - Goleuni'r Gogledd
Nos Sadwrn 13 Gorffennaf, 7:30pm

Cerddoriaeth gorawl arallfydol gwefreiddiol, sy’n dathlu prydferthwch cyfareddol natur.
Swper a bar ar gael drwy’r nos o 6pm ymlaen.

Kana - Northern Lights
Saturday 13th July, 7:30pm

Spine-tingling ethereal choral music celebrating the majestic beauty of nature.
Dinner and Bar available all evening from 6pm.

Form For Requesting Guided Tours Of The Old Courthouse

£10 adults. £5 children.
An enlightening guided tour of the Old Courthouse including the cell block, and a relaxing cup of tea and slice of bara brith to finish in the beautiful Bench.

past events / digwyddiadau blaenorol